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CASCOM Public Affairs Office

The Public Affairs (PA) mission is to help create a campaign quality force by increasing and promoting awareness and understanding of the Army, TRADOC, and CASCOM missions, activities and programs. Public Affairs fulfills the Army’s obligation to keep the American people and the Army informed, and helps to establish the conditions that lead to confidence in America’s Army and its readiness to conduct operations in peacetime, low intensity conflict and war. The CASCOM PAO plans and implements PA activities within Headquarters, CASCOM, the Quartermaster School, Transportation School, Ordnance School, Army Logistics University, Soldier Support Institute and subordinate units. PA develops and executes information strategies, facilitates media engagement and community relations, and conducts PA planning and training. Coordinates engagement/plans with organizational staff; DOD, HQDA, TRADOC, US Recruiting Command, joint organizations, and other services, agencies and organizations. The CASCOM PAO serves as the principal advisor to the Senior Commander on strategic engagement, PA plans, outreach and operations. Provides PA guidance and technical support to all CASCOM and SCoE units, as well as the Staff Judge Advocate Legal Center and School, Charlottesville, Va.