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Inspector General Action Request

1. Click on the DA FORM 1559, and complete it with as much information as possible about your situation/observation. If you would like to remain anonymous, check the "do not" boxes towards the bottom of the form and do not fill out your name or any contact information. Understand that if you wish to remain anonymous you will not be contacted in regards to your complaint. If you provide insufficient information, the Inspector General may not have sufficient information to act upon your request and have no way to contact you for more pertinent information.
2.If you email this document, you will have provided a contact point, your email address as the sender. To email a copy of this form, complete the form and then save it to your computer. Start your email program and copy this email address: "USARMY.GREGG-ADAMS.TRADOC.MBX.LEEE-ATCLIGIG@ARMY.MIL". This is the Fort Gregg-Adams IG email mailbox. Then add the DA 1559 as an attachment. Add any text to the body of your email, as desired. If you wish to retain anonymity, request it in your email and the IG will respect it and not furnish it outside the IG office. Then send your email. You may also print the email and then deliver it to the IG on Mahone Ave, to the right of the post office.
The DA Form 1559 link above will take you to the Army Publishing Directorate Form for the IG. Complete the form with as many details as possible -- don't make an IG official 'guess' regarding your issue and the solution you seek. If you leave out your contact information (an anonymous submission) you will not be contacted. The email address to the Fort Gregg-Adams IG is a mailbox. The IG Staff will receive, via email, your submission but only one person on the IG staff will have it assigned to him/her and only that IG staff person will contact you, if you provide contact information.