Analysis and Integration Division


Collect, analyze, store, and distribute sustainment L2, focusing on ongoing contingency operations and decisive action training environment (DATE) rotations. The focus is to bridge the information gap between the Generating Force and operating force through close coordination with the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) to determine the relevancy and effectiveness of sustainment functions across the DOTMLPFP domains. Conducts sustainment marketing and research through surveys and other methods, provides proponent leadership DOTMLPFP feedback necessary to ensure sustainment training maintains the highest state of proficiency and relevancy to the US Army.

Provide the CASCOM Headquarters, Ordnance School, Quartermaster School, Transportation School, and the Army Logistics University senior leadership “eyes and ears” support and feedback across the DOTMLPFP domains. Four QAEs are established as special staff offices to support the CASCOM Headquarters Staff, Ordnance School, the Transportation School, and the Quartermaster School; each QAE directly supports and has direct access to its respective proponent school commandant. Provide indirect support to the Army Logistics University and maintain direct access to its President.

Organization Chart

Contact Us

Mailing Address

Directorate of Lessons
Learned/Quality Assurance
2221 Adams Ave.
Building 5020
Fort Gregg-Adams, VA 23801

Chief, Analysis & Intergration

(804) 765-0303

Lessons Learned Integration
(804) 765-0262

Combat Training Centers

(804) 765-0262

External Evaluation

(804) 765-1019

(804) 765-4993