Sustainment Estimation Tools
OPLOG Planner - OPLOG Planner is designed to assist logistics planners in calculating supply usage estimates in support of operations. This program is specifically designed to support operations typically associated with multi-phase operation plans (OPLAN) and operation orders (OPORD). Click to request OPLOG Planner via MS Teams. Note: Access requires CAC credentials.If you are unable to access OPLOG Planner or have questions, please contact the Planning Data Branch.
Quick Logistics Estimation Tools - Provides links to abbreviated logistics estimation spreadsheet tools for calculating initial class of supply requirements, such as required LBS, STONS, Pallets, and Platform; based on force strength, operational phase, and climate. Includes: Platform Calculator, Quick Logistics Estimation Tool, Food and Water Tool, Class III Bulk Estimation Tool, and Convoy Planning Tool. Click to request Quick Logistics Estimation Tools via MS Teams. Note: Access requires CAC credentials.
Mercury Application - Mercury is designed to assist Logistics Planners quickly determine their supply requirements for a given operation using CASCOM Planning Data Branch's Planning Factors. Note: Access requires CAC credentials. Available via NIPR only.
Special Operations Forces (SOF) Logistics Handbook - A planning considerations resource to compliment the knowledge and experience of SMEs as well as enhance sustainment planning and execution ISO ARSOF. It is comprised of 50 pages of SOF specific information combined from multiple Joint and Army Doctrine Publications. Note: Access requires CAC credentials.