Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC)


Responsible for the health, morale, welfare, training, discipline, conduct and combat readiness of Soldiers assigned to HQ CASCOM, and their Families. Provides C2, logistics, military justice, training and readiness, quality of life, worldwide deployment status tracking, and administrative support for the health, morale, and welfare of the command group, special staff, and directorates. Provides a command climate that supports the CG’s efforts in ensuring HQ CASCOM and SCoE mission is effectively and efficiently performed. Directs the unit training program, the Army Physical Fitness Test, Physical Training, Weapons Qualification, Army Weight Control Program and NCO Education System tracking of enlisted Soldiers.


Contact Us

Mailing Address
Headquarters & Headquarters Company Command
2221 Adams Ave.
Building 5020
Fort Gregg-Adams, VA 23801

(804) 734-0182 / 2461