Leadership Training Resources
Center for Junior Officers (CJO) - The CJO is a place for junior officers to collaborate and help develop each other, as well as themselves. Here you will find scenario based videos to facilitate conversation and critical thinking amongst young leaders. The Center is facilitated by a staff at West Point who, along with the contributions of site members, publish helpful articles and products to aid Platoon Leaders, Company Executive Officers, Company Commanders, and junior staff officers. Lastly, there are forums for members to ask questions of the CJO Community should they require assistance on a topic that has not been covered previously.
Army Sustainment University (ASU) Captain's Career Course Training Department SharePoint Site - This space is designed for Army Logisticians enrolled in the Army's Captain's Career Course to share resources and interact. This group is managed by Army Sustainment University's Captain Career Training Department (CCTD). CCTD consists of three distinct courses: Logistics Captain Career Course (LogC3), the Reserve Component Captain Career Course (RC LogC3) and the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Captain Career Course (EOD LogC3). Note: Access requires CAC credentials.
Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Course - Click to access the available DAU COR training, including CLC222, Contracting Officer's Respresnetative (COR) Online Training. Provides the student with an overall view of the contracting process, to include contract administration, statutory laws and regulations that govern the contracting process. This course will provide the student with an overview of the acquisition process, teaming, ethics and integrity, authorities, contract classification, contract types, proper file documentation, performance assessment methods, remedies for poor performance, invoice requirements, contract modifications, and contract management. Course focus is on contracting means in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation (DFAR).
Operational Contract Support (OCS) Resources - Click to access OCS resources, such as the OCS Training Strategy, Army OCS Information Portal, J4-OCS-Connetc, and the J4 Exercise Training Support Portfolio (ETSP).