Training Focus Area - Deploy
Deployer's Toolbox - The Deployer's toolbox is a collaborative effort designed to aggressively pursue improvements to the deployment processes in order to advance, standardize, implement, and maintain Army deployment readiness and capability. Note: Access requires CAC credentials.
CALL 15-01: Command Deployment Discipline Handbook - The Command Deployment Discipline Program (CDDP) is a commander’s tool designed to enhance unit deployment readiness. This handbook is a combination of doctrinal and regulatory tasks that address Army standards, fundamentally focused on equipment movement and associated tasks from division to company level, to include installation tasks. Note: Access requires CAC credentials.For more lessons learned and the most up-to-date content, visit the CALL SharePoint site.Note: Access requires CAC credentials and site registration by CALL team.
CALL Deployment Readiness Exercise (DRE) Lessons & Best Practices (2018) - This report contains observations, discussions, and recommendations on Deployment Readiness Exercises (DREs) at units’ home station. While conditions will change when deploying for a contingency mission, some of the challenges observed may not. The purpose of this document is to help installations, major combatant commands, and unit personnel plan to meet these challenges and facilitate forces’ timely deployment. Note: Access requires CAC credentials.For more lessons learned and the most up-to-date content, visit the CALL SharePoint site.Note: Access requires CAC credentials and site registration by CALL team.
Expeditionary RSOI (NTC Ops Group) Paper - Expanded the initial observations in reference to expeditionary reception, staging, onward movement, and integration (RSOI) to include more in-depth white papers on matters to consider when preparing a unit to arrive ready to fight at the NTC. Note: Access requires CAC credentials.
ATP 3-35: Army Deployment & Redeployment - Provides the Army’s authoritative doctrine for planning, organizing, executing, and supporting deployment and redeployment. This manual is the single source for all Army deployment and redeployment doctrine.