Formerly known as Sustainment Unit One Stop (SUOS),
this portal is managed by the U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) and
provides consolidated access to Army sustainment resources, including training, doctrine, lessons learned,
and more.
Please check the recent activity section below for links to new and updated sustainment resources.
Also find commonly referenced sustainment resources and streaming video products below.
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in the menu to find more resources.
Recent Activity
Remembering Lt. General Gregg - In early 2024, former QM General and CASCOM CG, Maj. General (R) Rodney Fogg sat down with Lt. General (R) Arthur Gregg, to capture, for posterity, his life story. This interview covered his challenges, experiences and insights that offer invaluable wisdom to the Army Sustainment community and Army leaders as a whole. Click here to view videos from the wide variety of topics Lt. General Gregg discussed.Updated on
Lt. General Gregg: An Interview with a Legend
In February of 2024, Maj. General (R) Rodney Fogg sat down with Lt. General (R) Arthur Gregg to capture a comprehensive telling of his life story, for posterity and insight. General Gregg discusses his childhood and challenges growing up in the segregated south, his journey from supply clerk to becoming the first African- American Lt. General in the Army, and his legacy as he became the co-namesake for our post, Fort Gregg-Adams.
How to Watch:
The full length video can be found by clicking here.The interview is also segmented by topic into 23 parts. To view a full playlist of these parts, click here, or click any of the images below to view them individually.
Doctrine Under Development - The following sustainment doctrinal manuals are under revision. Click here to learn more.Ongoing Updates
Doctrine Under Development
The following manuals are currently being formally staffed through the Enterprise Task Management System Solutions (ETMS2), originally known as the Task Management Tool (TMT). If you have comments, please provide them on the attached standardized comment resolution matrix to your command for consolidation before the suspense date. The use of the comment matrix is mandatory to facilitate the task of consolidating and adjudicating all comments. Please read the comment matrix primer to understand how to capture comments correctly. Provide rationale for each comment, including page, paragraph, and line number, along with suggested correction or solution. Recommend using specific line-in/line-out comments to avoiding general comments that criticize text content and provide little or no specific recommended corrections. Click here for a copy of the blank comment matrix and primer. Note: Access requires CAC credentials.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns
Thanks for your contributions to our sustainment doctrinal manuals.
Note: Access to the following draft publications requires CAC credentials and access to the Army 365 SharePoint environment.
Click Here to view Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 4-32: Explosive Ordnance Disposal Operations (Initial Draft)
Suspense 11 Sept 24
Click Here to view Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 4-90: Brigade Support Battalion Operations (Final Draft)
Suspense 27 Sept 24
Click Here to view Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 4-11: Army Motor Transport Operations (Final Draft)
Suspense 30 Sept 24
Click Here to view FM 1-0: Human Resources Support (Final Draft)
Suspense 4 Nov 24
Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC) - Highlight Reel - Initial training at the Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC) prepares Army Officers both physically and mentally to lead effective, successful missions. At BOLC, you'll acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to make a difference as a leader in the Army. BOLC is split into three areas: Soldier Skills, Leadership Principles, and Specialized Training. Each focusing on a different aspect of becoming an Officer.Updated on
ATP 4-0.6: Sustainment Automation Support Management Office Operations - Published on 17 Jan 2024 describes the Sustainment Automation Support Management Office (SASMO) as information managers that enable knowledge management for sustainment centers of operations executing the sustainment management process. Sustainment automation support operations involve systems administration (maintaining enterprise business system applications) and network administration (maintaining the sustainment transport system). This publication shifts from a system centric to a SASMO operations focus that describes the roles, characteristics, functions, capabilities, and techniques, at echelon, that underpin the delivery of sustainment products and services employed by all four of the sustainment elements (logistics, financial management, personnel services, and health service support).Updated on
ATP 4-33: Maintenance Operations - Published on 9 Jan 2024, this ATP provides doctrinal techniques for understanding maintenance operations at all echelons to provide the lethality and flexibility to meet operational objectives and generate combat power in support of operations. This publication describes the roles, responsibilities, functions, and processes of Army maintenance operations and explains how maintenance operations play a vital role in maintaining the force to ensure unit readiness by maintaining weapon systems and equipment in a fully mission capable status in dynamic and challenging operational environments.Updated on
Tele-maintenance - The ASRP now houses a "Tele-maintenance" page, which is acommunications tool that allows technicians to share equipment information, and troubleshooting techniques in order to solve real time issues.Updated on
Commonly Referenced Sustainment Resources
Sustainment Force Structure Book - The Sustainment Force Structure Book is a data reference and resource that provides a snapshot of sustainment organizations by Standard Requirements Code (SRC). This snapshot includes a brief statement of the organization's mission and functions, capabilities, employment, basis of allocation, doctrinal mobility and dependencies derived from its base Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE). The information provided on sustainment organizations reflects a fully modernized and approved organizational structure for personnel and equipment. Modification Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOEs) for each organization will vary based on force management guidance and priorities.Resource Ownership: CASCOM Force Development Directorate Requires CAC credentialsAccess the Force Management System (FMSWeb) for access to Unit MTOEs. Note: Access requires CAC credentials.
OPLOG Planner - Click to request via MS Teams. OPLOG Planner is designed to assist logistics planners in calculating supply usage estimates in support of operations. This program is specifically designed to support operations typically associated with multi-phase operation plans (OPLAN) and operation orders (OPORD).Resource Ownership: Planning Data Branch, CASCOM Requires CAC credentials
Quick Logistics Estimation Tools - Click to request via MS Teams. Provides links to abbreviated logistics estimation spreadsheet tools for calculating initial class of supply requirements, such as required LBS, STONS, Pallets, and Platform; based on force strength, operational phase, and climate. Includes: Platform Calculator, Quick Logistics Estimation Tool, Food and Water Tool, Class III Bulk Estimation Tool, and Convoy Planning Tool.Resource Ownership: Planning Data Branch, CASCOM Requires CAC credentials
IPPS-A Training - How-To Videos - A series of training videos which aim to relate current HR practices to IPPS-A business rules, offers translations from HR Legacy Systems to IPPS-A, provides HR professionals, commanders and managers a learning resource for their roles in IPPS-A, and demonstrates the views and methods of IPPS-A in a training database.Resource Ownership: AG School, SSI Requires CAC credentials
The Preventive Maintenance Magazine - Informs Army and DoD readiness by emphasizing preventive maintenance and promoting proper maintenance and supply procedures (AR 700-138). Review of the magazine will be a regular part of unit readiness efforts. A reader service is available to answer maintenance and supply questions.Resource Ownership: Army Sustainment Command (ASC)
Army OCS Resource Portal - Provides the following OCS resources: What is OCS; OCS training aids, publications, documentation, articles and more.Resource Ownership: OCS, CASCOM Requires CAC credentials
Sustainment Training Strategy 21 - This strategy is designed to support building and assessing Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) sustainment unit progressive training readiness, and support Army Chief of Staff’s intent that, “We must be ready to defeat any enemy, anywhere, whenever called upon, under any condition.” The core of strategy are the three appendices, which provide a detailed description of unit training paths by echelon with emphasis on platoon level training. They contain Notional Training Path Models for “how to train” at Platoon, Company, and higher headquarters level (Battalion, Brigade, TSC, and ESC).Resource Ownership: Collective Training Requires CAC credentials
ATP 4-91: Division Sustainment Operations - ATP 4-91 describes sustainment at echelon and provides details on sustainment organizations operating at the division echelon. It is written for commanders, staffs and Soldiers at all levels, leaders and instructors at military institutions, students, and doctrine and training developers. It provides relevant information on the capabilities of the DSB and DSB employment considerations.Resource Ownership: Doctrine
GCSS-Army and Property Accountability - Access training resources for the GCSS-Army system, as well as important resources such as the Property Accountibility Virtual Playbook, SSA Multimedia Package, and more.Resource Ownership: Quartermaster, CASCOM
Command Maintenance Discipline Program (CMDP) - Commanders, Staff, and Soldiers of Active, Reserve, and National Guard Component Sustainment Brigades, BSBs, TSCs, ESCs and other Sustainment and Logistics formations of the Operational Force should use the Command Maintenance Discipline Program to learn more about their role in understanding and improving readiness rates within their units and within the Generating Force.Resource Ownership: Ordnance Requires CAC credentials
Deployer's Toolbox - The Deployer's toolbox is a collaborative effort designed to aggressively pursue improvements to the deployment processes in order to advance, standardize, implement, and maintain Army deployment readiness and capability.Resource Ownership: Transportation DPMO Requires CAC credentials