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Home > Organizations > General Staff > Fielded Force Integration Directorate > Deployment Process Modernization Office

Deployment Process Modernization Office (DPMO)


Chartered by HQDA G-3/5/7 and G-4 as lead for the Army’s deployment/redeployment process. Collects, consolidates, analyzes, validates, and integrates deployment requirements across the Army and develops solutions for their resolution to satisfy current and evolving total Army deployment and redeployment requirements. Guides the integration of deployment and distribution by identifying and developing corresponding policies, concepts, doctrine, training, related deployment and distribution automated information systems, and enablers; and conducting experiments, analyses, and studies to facilitate deployment and distribution capabilities.


DPMO consists of four branches: Operations Branch; Deployment Information Systems Branch; Deployment Support Branch; and Deployment Analysis Branch.



  • Serve as the proponent for the Army’s deployment process and provides recommendations to HQDA G-3/5/7 and G-4 on deployment and distribution doctrine, regulation, policy and process.
  • Represent CG, TRADOC and the Chief of Transportation (COT) on all issues concerning deployment and redeployment of Army forces and the integration with Joint services across DOTMLPF-P.
  • On Behalf Of (OBO) TRADOC, serve as Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for multiple priority issues (PI) under the All Things Enterprise (ATX) framework.
  • OPR for initiatives associated with the Deployer’s Toolbox.
  • Serve as the lead Army agency for incorporating deployment tools and products into the TRADOC training and education system.
  • Develop for publication deployment, redeployment and distribution doctrine, including terminal operations and Army Prepositioned Stocks (APS). Assist HQDA G3/5/7 and HQDA G4 with concept development and policy revision associated with deployment and redeployment.
  • Per AR 595-93, Army Deployment and Redeployment, serve as Office of Primary Responsibility for the Army-level Command Deployment Discipline Program (CDDP)
  • IAW HQDA EXORD 087-17, serve as a member of FORSCOM’s evaluation team conducting CSA-directed Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercises (EDREs) in support of the Army’s Deployment Readiness Exercise (DRE) program.
  • Support developing, testing, and fielding of deployment and distribution transportation information systems. Prioritize DOD data requirements for incorporation into current deployment and distribution automation systems. Serve as Chair of Capability Control Board for select Transportation Information Systems.
  • Support USTRANSCOM and HQDA G4 in developing Army requirements and functionality in support of the Joint Transportation Management System (TMS).
  • Develop, collect, and screen issues and desired capabilities for the next generation Army transportation automation information system or subsystem. Ally with CASCOM Enterprise Systems Directorate (ESD) to develop and facilitate a comprehensive end-to-end logistics enterprise solution.
  • Responsible for deployment and distribution capability gap analysis that cross-walks the needs of the current and future Army with the other services and Joint Forces Capability “Gap” requirements. Identify capability gaps and technological shortfalls in the Army deployment and redeployment process.
  • Assess the value of emerging deployment enablers to address the gaps and shortfalls through technology demonstrations, experimentation, analysis, and simulation. Support Army/Joint Force Projection related Science and Technology (S&T) Research and Development
  • programs, experiments and wargames to shape the Army’s force projection and deployment capabilities.
  • Provide deployment analysis in support of Joint and Army Title 10 wargames, concepts, and force design.
  • Program Manager for the Chief of Staff Army, Logistics Excellence Award (CLEA) program, Deployment Excellence Award (DEA) Program IAW AR 525-93, Army Deployment and Redeployment.
  • Produce the Spearhead newsletter for worldwide distribution in support of the Chief of Transportation (COT).
  • Provide matrixed support across CASCOM/SCoE and the Schools as required for all matters pertaining to deployment, redeployment, deployment/transportation information systems, movement control, and reception, staging, onward movement and integration (RSOI).

Organizational Chart