TRADOC Proponent Office (TPO) - Operational Contract Support


Develops sustainment organizational and force structure requirements for the following functions: human resource, finance, field support, maintenance, ammunition storage and supply, and Explosive Ordnance Disposal, supply storage and distribution; retrograde; petroleum supply, distribution and services; water purification and distribution; mortuary affairs; aerial delivery; field services, force provider, field feeding, motor transport operations, Army watercraft, movement control, terminal operations, and multifunctional sustainment organizations within the operational Army.



TRADOC Proponent Office (TPO) - Operational Contact Support (TPO-OCS), does not have any subordinate divisions.



  • Serves as the Army’s user representative for all non-acquisition OCS matters across DOTmLPF spectrum. Manages OCS knowledge management and lessons learned programs and serves as TRADOC’s single point of contact for users to provide feedback and identify issues for action. Partners with ALT-IO as the coordinating, integrating, synchronization, and management activity for Army Operational Contract Support (acquisition and non-acquisition OCS).
  • Capability Development. Develops, refines and maintains OCS capability gaps and recommended solutions. Develops, reviews, and updates Army functional concepts to integrate OCS equities across Army warfighting functions. Participates in capability assessment analyses and the Total Army Analysis process.
  • Develops, reviews, and updates doctrine to ensure OCS integration.
  • Analyzes non-acquisition OCS force structure in coordination with appropriate organizations. Working through Force Development, initiates force design updates, rules of allocation, basis of issue plans (BOIPs), and OCS planning factors.
  • Reviews and updates non-acquisition OCS skill identifiers in coordination with force modernization and branch proponents, contracting organizations, and other organizations with OCS equities.
  • Develops, manages, and coordinates OCS training strategies, programs and products for both acquisition and non-acquisition personnel as part of TRADOC’s training strategy.
  • Serves as the Army’s primary OCS stakeholder and user representative for development and integration of materiel solutions that support OCS processes.
  • Coordinates and synchronizes with force modernization and branch proponents to incorporate OCS within professional military education programs of instruction.
  • Develops, manages and integrates skill identifiers and duty positions involved in non-acquisition OCS planning and execution. Integrates cognitive, physical and social components of the human dimension within the development of OCS capability solutions.