Home > Organizations > General Staff > G 3/5/7 > Plans & Operations Directorate > Operations Division
Operations Division
Provides command wide support and oversight of current and future operations, maintain a situational awareness, and ensure a timely and accurate command reporting.
Current Operations Branch (COB) Functions
- Responsible for the process and monitoring of internal and external operational, organizational, and personnel taskings for CASCOM and SCoE. Receives, validates, distributes, monitors, and tracks all taskings originating from outside of the CASCOM and SCoE and issues, monitors, and tracks taskings originating internal to the CASCOM and SCoE. Tracks execution of the command’s institutional training mission.
- Prepares operational orders in support of the CASCOM and SCoE. Integrates and synchronizes operations across CASCOM.
- Provides 90-day and 180-day calendar management tool for the command.
- Monitors the support and execution of installation-wide events to include funeral honors and Casualty Assistance Officer/Casualty Notification Officer support to Garrison, and retirement ceremonies.
- Oversees execution of command-wide events such as Soldier competitions and changes of command, continuity of operations (COOP) exercise and CASCOM/SCoE runs.
- Conduit of official communication between TRADOC G-3/5/7, CAC, CASCOM, and subordinate activities.
Training Readiness Branch (TRB) Functions
- The Training Readiness Branch is responsible for staff management and oversight of the command’s unit readiness program, institutional training mission execution, and training resources. Specific functions include:
- Ensures the command is resourced to meet mission requirements and recommends solutions for resource shortfalls. Analyzes and monitors execution of the SCOE’s Structure Manning Decision Review (SMDR) mission, CUSR input, Training Resources Arbitration Panel (TRAP) actions, and course waiver program. Utilizes SharePoint to manage and support branch programs. Utilizes the Army Training Requirements and Resources System to monitor and analyzes mission data. Coordinates with the Training Operations Management Agency to resolve institution training mission issues and resource requirements.
- Serves as the command’s program lead for initial entry training, the Army Training Management System/ Digital Training Management System.
- Coordinates Reserve Component support for instructor and support personnel needed to meet school TRAP and other un-programmed support requirements. Provides staff support for the utilization of the Tour of Duty system.
- Develops and manages the CASCOM multi-school instructor, training support and development contract. Coordinates and synchronizes with both internal and external organizations to ensure optimum contracted support. Serves as the omnibus contract contracting officer’s representative (COR) and related for the Defense Manpower Data Center Trusted Associate Sponsorship System.
- Coordinates, synchronizes, and de-conflicts training and operational resources. Monitors and recommends priorities for training support system (TSS) resources. Provides staff support in the resolution of resource shortfalls. Serves as the lead for the TSS-Warfighter contracted logistics support (WCLS) program.
- Supports CASCOM Campaign Plan efforts to include planning and execution of near and mid-term objectives and requirements. Manages and synchronizes CASCOM mid-term (more than 90 days) internal and external taskings.
- Manages and synchronizes CASCOM near- and mid-term operations and taskings.
- Serves as the Lead for CASCOM strategic management system (SMS) execution.
Organization Chart