Home > Organizations > General Staff > G 3/5/7 > Plans & Operations Directorate
Plans & Operations Directorate
Develops and implements plans and orders for CASCOM that are aligned with HQDA, TRADOC and CAC priorities and initiatives, to include the development, deployment and execution of the CASCOM Strategic Plan and other key documents. Analyzes higher headquarters strategic planning documents to determine their implications on sustainment. Ensures higher headquarters directives are implemented as part of the annual CASCOM Plan. Manages the command’s short- and long-term calendars. Leads command level current operations and training mission readiness. Integrates and synchronizes the staff in support of the command's training mission. Develops and integrates learning technologies into the sustainment learning community. Provides staff management and oversight in support of the command’s institutional training mission. Integrates, coordinates and synchronizes the command training initiatives.
Organization Chart