Home > Organizations > General Staff > G 3/5/7 > Directorate of Training & Doctrine > Collective Training Development Division
Collective Training Development Division
Analyzes, designs and develops unit training products to support AC/RC Quartermaster, Ordnance, Transportation and Multifunctional Logistics units. Provides the Army’s current and future force with products that enable building and assessing unit training readiness and leads to well-trained organizations.
Army Sustainment Resource Portal
- Develops logistics proponent collective training product standards; determines collective training requirements; and manages training products that enable logistics staffs and units to conduct the full range of military operations in a multi-domain operating environment.
- Serves as the command’s designated representative on matters relating to collective training of operational logistics units. Serves as CASCOM collective training development proponent for multifunctional logistics (minus TPO-OCS), Quartermaster (minus Mortuary Affairs (MA)), Ordnance (minus TPO-EOD), and Transportation.
- Analyzes, designs, revises and develops collective tasks, unit task lists (UTLs), combined arms training strategies (CATS), mission essential task lists (METLs), training models, unit task lists (UTLs) warfighter training support packages (WTSP), drills, training circulars (TC), and other collective training products in support of SCOE proponent units. Develops collective training products IAW TRADOC Regulation (TR) 350-70, TRADOC Pamphlet (TP) 350-70-1, CAC guidance, CASCOM Collective Training SOP and other applicable regulations.
- Manages all multifunctional logistics, Quartermaster, Ordnance and Transportation collective tasks (less MA, TPO-OCS and TPO-EOD).
- Supports unit training requirements in coordination with other CASCOM directorates, FORSCOM, the National Guard Bureau (NGB), USARC, TRADOC and DA. This includes preparing standards for training readiness advisory group (STRAG) changes to METLs, individual, crew-served and platform (I/CS/P) qualifications, collective live fire and time to train foundational components of training readiness for CASCOM proponent units.
- Represents CASCOM before the Army Munitions Requirements Council of Colonels (AMRCoC) in matters pertaining to standards in training commission (STRAC) collective training ammunition requirements. Coordinates with proponent training developers for program of instruction (POI) ammunition requirements and with FFID for combat load requirements.
- Responsible for development and revision of sustainment unit gunnery and live fire exercise requirements.
- Integrates training strategies for sustainment units and seeks applications for innovative and new technologies to improve collective training. Develops and maintains training products to support CASCOM proponent unit home station training.
- Ensures appropriate logistics lessons learned are incorporated into collective training material.
- Coordinates with Training Technology Division (TTD) to ensure Army Sustainment Resource Portal (ASRP) information provided is current and relevant.
- Conducts quarterly unit assistance visits to CASCOM proponent units worldwide.
Organization Chart