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DA Multimedia Visual Information Production & Distribution Program

DA Multimedia Visual Information Production & Distribution Program


The Audiovisual Production Officer (AVPRO), manages the Department of the Army Multimedia Visual Information Production and Distribution Program (DAMVIPDP), and the Army Recruiting and Support System program (ARISS), for all CASCOM Schools.

CASCOM's DAMVIPDP supports the development, production, replication, and distribution of DVDs and CDs to support DA approved TRADOC programs of instruction. DVDs and CDs are the most used format, but as technology evolves so will the delivery format of these products. Services include videography, voice talent/voice over, animation, music (libraries and music scoring), special effects (custom and libraries), and digitization of videos for multimedia products.

ARISS is a system comprised of more than 560 TRADOC-produced 3-5 minute, video segments that accurately and realistically depict military occupational specialties (MOS), skill clusters, Special Programs, and Army locations. Our proposed memorandum of agreement with USAREC modifies career management field (CMF) videos to 30-seconds and MOS videos to 2-minutes to transition them via DVDs to a Multimedia Web-based format that will be more responsive to new recruiting challenges.

TRADOC's video documentation provides a visual record of significant TRADOC events and activities. This information is acquired for both operational and historical purposes. TRADOC uses this information for operational command and control, presentations, reports and historical records. Doctrinal combat, materiel, and training developers use these records for analysis and in reports and briefings to support their programs.