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Chief Of Staff, CASCOM

Vernon L. Jones, Jr.
COL Vernon L. Jones, Jr. enlisted in the U.S. Army from Savannah, Georgia. Upon completion of basic and individual training, he was assigned to Fort Liberty, North Carolina. He was awarded the Green-to-Gold Scholarship in 1996 and attended Savannah State University. He graduated in 1999 and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Quartermaster Corps. COL Jones holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science, a Master of Science in Management with a concentration in Logistics from the Florida Institute of Technology, and a Master of Science in Strategic Studies from the Army War College.
COL Jones is a graduate of the Airborne School, Air Assault School, Rigger School, Jungle Warfare School, Quartermaster Officer Basic Course, Combined Logistics Captains Career Course (CLC3), the Combined Arms Staff Service School (CAS3), the Support Operations Course, the Theater Logistics Studies Program (TLOG), the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT), the Intermediate Level Education (ILE) at the Command and General Staff College (CGSC), the Joint Planners Course, the Red Team Member Course, the Operational Contract Support Course, the Inspector General Course, and the Army War College Advanced Strategic Arts Program (ASAP).
COL Jones held a myriad of key positions before assuming his current duties as CASCOM Chief of Staff. He previously served as the Director, Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Proponent Office – Operational Contract Support at Fort Gregg-Adams. Under 101st Airborne Division he served as: Platoon Leader, Battalion S3-Air and Assistant Battalion S3; Division G4 Materiel Management Officer; Assistant Brigade S4, and Forward Support Company Commander. At Fort Gregg-Adams, VA, he served at the Army Logistics University (ALU) as a Logistics Instructor. At Fort Liberty, North Carolina he served in the 82nd Sustainment Brigade as the Brigade S4 and Special Troops Battalion Executive Officer, and later he served as the Executive Officer to the Commanding General, 1st Sustainment Command (Theater). Under United State Forces Korea he served as the Future Operations Officer, Joint Operation Coordination Element; under United States Forces Japan he served as the Battalion Commander of 35th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion. Upon completion of command, he served in the Pentagon as the Quartermaster Organization Integrator, Headquarters, Department of the Army Force Management (FM), followed by a second Pentagon tour as an Investigator, Investigations Division, Department of the Army Inspector General.
His awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal (with two oak leaf clusters), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Accommodation Medal (with one oak leaf cluster), Army Achievement Medal (with one oak leaf cluster), Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Kosovo Service Medal, GWOT Expeditionary Medal, GWOT Service Ribbon, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, NATO Medal, Combat Action Badge, Air Assault Badge, Parachutist Badge, the Parachutist Rigger Badge, the Army Staff Badge, and the Inspector General Badge. COL Jones is also a recipient of the Quartermaster Corps Order of Saint Martin, and the Field Artillery Order of Saint Barbara.