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Deputy Commander, CASCOM

Daniel Duncan
Colonel Daniel J. Duncan currently serves as the Deputy Commander for the Combined Arms Support Command. He moved to Fort Gregg-Adams from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington where he served as the Chief of Sustainment (G4) and Corps Chief of staff for the US Army’s I Corps. He is originally from Missoula, Montana and received his Army Commission from Washington State University, earning a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science. Upon completion of the Ordnance Officer Basic Course at Redstone Arsenal, his initial assignment was to the 23rd Ordnance Company in Miesau, Germany where he served as an Ammunition Platoon Leader and Company XO. He deployed to Hungary in 1995 in support of Operation Joint Endeavor, establishing the Ammunition Supply Point near Taszar Air Field. He then graduated from the Combined Logistics Officer Advanced Course at Fort Lee, Virginia, and the Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal School at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Following graduation from EOD School, he took command of the 722d Ordnance Company (EOD) located in Anniston Army Depot, Alabama. In 2001 he moved to Pullman, Washington where he served as an Assistant Professor of Military Science at Washington State University. Upon completion of that assignment he was assigned to the 407th AFSB located at Fort Hood, Texas, where he served as a Brigade Logistical Support Team Chief, providing support to the 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 4th Infantry Division and deployed to Baghdad, Iraq in 2008 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. In July 2010, Colonel Duncan was assigned to the 528th Sustainment Brigade (Special Operations) (Airborne), serving as the Brigade Executive Officer and the Chief Of Operations, providing sustainment support for Army Special Operations around the world. Colonel Duncan commanded the Army Field Support Battalion, located at Fort Riley, Kansas, before serving as the Assistant Chief of Staff for Logistics (G4) for the 1st Infantry Division as at Fort Riley, Kansas. Following graduation from the United States Army War College, COL Duncan served as the Deputy Chief of Staff of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), before taking command of the 52d Ordnance Group (EOD) in 2018. Colonel Duncan then served as the Military Deputy Director for Operations (J3) and the Executive Officer to the US Transportation Command Commander, before moving to Joint Base Lewis McChord to be the Chief of Sustainment (G4) for I Corps.
Colonel Duncan's military education includes the Ordnance Officer Advanced Course, the Combined Logistics Officer Advanced Course, the Combined Arms Service and Staff School, Explosive Ordnance Disposal School, Advanced Access and Disablement School, and U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. Colonel Duncan has two Masters Degrees, the first in Managerial Leadership from Webster University and second from the U.S. Army War College in Strategic Studies. Colonel Duncan's awards include the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, the Meritorious Service Medal (3 Oak Leaf Cluster), Army Commendation Medal (2 Oak Leaf Clusters), Army Achievement Medal (5 Oak Leaf Cluster), National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon, NATO Medal, Army Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, and the Senior Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge.