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Client Services Division
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)
The SCRA provides a wide range of protections for individuals entering or called to active duty in the military. The SCRA is intended to postpone or suspend certain civil obligations to enable service members to devote full attention to duty. Protections include: right to early lease termination, delay in eviction proceedings, reduction of interest on pre-service debt to 6%, etc. The SCRA also allows service members to delay civil court proceedings and prevents default judgements. The act does not, however, apply to criminal matters.
To learn more about the SCRA, and to see sample letters, please follow these links:
What is the SCRA?
Early termination of residential lease
- Timely notice requirement (overview)
- Termination letter to landlord (sample letter)
- Early termination charges prohibited (overview)
- No distance test under SCRA (overview)
Early termination of an auto lease
Limitation of interest rate to 6%
Request a delay to a civil court case